- Storeroom and job trailer management
- Kitting
- Jobsite and shop deliveries via box truck, flat bed, lift gates. Deliveries via Swift’s personal fleet, UPS and all major common carriers nationwide.
- Construction Project Management
- Deep breath of inventory at 4 NY/NJ metropolitan area locations updated and restocked daily
- Wire cutting and paralleling services
- RF Bar coded inventory and order pulling (for accuracy)
We know when the power is down, in many instances it can be a critical situation and you’ve got to get the power back up. We have a network set up via text/phone/email to cover you 24/7. We will meet you at the location closest to you if you need us to, and we’ll dispatch our fleet to get the supplies to you directly. You’re in good hands with us.
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Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linked in where we are constantly showing new products and linking to our “BEST IN CLASS” supplier updates.
Still Need More?
ASK US! We will come to your shop or office, or you can come to ours, and we’ll do customized presentations to your team.